
The lake series: Jarun VII - flooding

We've had some flooding outside Zagreb and high river levels which rose Jarun's water level too:


The lake series: Jarun VI

My morning run:


The lake series: Jarun V

A couple enjoying the sunset...


The lake series: Jarun IV

Gotta love these late fall sunsets...


The lake series: Jarun III

Sunset - lomoish filter applied


The lake series: Jarun II

Reflection after the sunset (Orton-ish filter applied)....


The lake series: Jarun I or better - I'm BAAAAACK!

It's been a year and a half since my last post, I guess life, photo-laziness and random stuff got in way of my daily photo updates, and even taking photos. However, I've decided it was about time I got back to posting new photos of my beautiful city.

Most of the photos are courtesy of my Google Nexus S phone, but also, whenever I have time, I'll try to take the real camera out and give you some good shots.

So, here we go (going chronologically back from today), the Moon, Arena all lit up and Jarun's rowing path: